Documentation not found

The online reference documentation (Help) was not found. This may be due to one of the following reasons:

Help has not been installed

The Help System can be installed in one of two ways:

Via Online Update

First, make sure the language in which the Help System should be installed is also installed and that CINEMA 4D is currently running in that language.

  1. Call up "Help / Check for Updates" from the C4D main menu
  2. Look in the list that appears if the corresponding option is available. If not, switch to the "Optional" tab to see if the corresponding option is available there.
  3. If the option is available, enable/check the Help option and continue with the installation.
  4. If the option is not available, the Help System is not yet available in the desired language. Continue to check for updates in the future.

Via Manual Update

In order to update the Help System manually you must have the appropriate update file saved locally or on a medium that can be accessed locally/offline (e.g. installation DVD, downloaded file).

  1. Start CINEMA 4D and call up "Help / Manual Installation" from the main menu.
  2. In the selection window that appears, select the file you wish to update and click on "Open".
  3. All subsequent steps reflect those of the online update option.

If the Help files is not available in your language, it will automatically default to the English-language system. Make sure the English-language Help system is installed!

The wrong path has been selected

The path to the help files can be defined in the Local Help Path field, located in the CINEMA 4D preferences menu (main menu: Edit / Preferences - Help tab).

Normally there should be no path defined in this field. However, once a path is entered, CINEMA 4D will use this path when accessing the help files.

If the help files are not located at their default location and no path is defined in the preferences menu, no help files will be opened. So make sure the Local Help Path field is empty or contains the appropriate path.