[MUSIC PLAYING] Hello, and welcome to Introduction to Electronic Music. My name is Paul Reller, and I'm a composer of acoustic and electronic music. And I've been doing electronic music since the early to mid 1980s. And I've seen it change quite a bit. And what I love about electronic music is that you can do absolutely anything you imagine with sound. And we are going to be going back and looking at what composers were doing about 100 years ago, and since the first people were imagining what could be done with electronic sound. And those first artists were, right away, testing the boundaries of what music is, what it was, what it could be. So if you can do anything with sound instantly, you can do anything with notes, or timbres, sound qualities, et cetera. And we're going to be running into kinds of music that I'm sure you're going to say, that's not music. Because that's what people were doing, they were testing the boundaries of music. And at some point they're going to test your boundaries, and that's OK. It happens to everyone. It happened to me too. And you're going to be studying what these people were doing with sound and electronics by making music yourself. You're going to be practicing what you're reading about by downloading free software and doing assignments using your own voice to create audio pieces, audio sculptures, if you will. And you'll be uploading them to Canvas, and they'll be graded there. So I hope you enjoy this semester. I'm looking forward to it. And if you have any questions, just ask me or my TAs.